Every first Saturday of the month
If you have something you wish to sell do bring it to the coffee mornings as we hoped to encourage a Bring and Buy sale at these mornings.
Tickets for the Murder Mystery:-
In aid of the Bobby Van Trust Wiltshire
Protecting the elderly and vulnerable in Wiltshire and Swindon since 1998
The Wiltshire Bobby Van Trust (WBVT) provides a free home security service and online safety service for over 60s, 18+ with a registered disability and people experiencing domestic abuse
throughout , Wiltshire and Swindon.
Parish Council Information
The 29th Music for Awhile Summer Festival
All Saints Alton Priors
July 12th Charlotte Spruit (violin) and Friends - Baroque sonatas performed by a superstar of her generation
July 13th Bach St John Passion - performed in the round in an intimate, immersive performance
Tickets are very limited but access to the rehearsal will also be available
Watch this space for ticket booking informationion